Monogram Etiquette

Not sure what letters go in what order? Read about monogram etiquette below:

Please note that this is only the ‘traditional’ suggestions for making monograms, it is ultimately up to you or you and your husband to decide what letters and ordering you choose!


3 Letters – First, last, middle (the middle letter is bigger than the other two)
Example: Katie Ann Donoghue would be KDA

Single initial can be either your first or last name
Example: S for Sarah or W for White

2 Letters (same size) – First, last
Example: Katie Donoghue would be KD


The bride’s initial goes first, then the couple’s surname then the groom’s first initial
Example: ASD for Amanda Smith and David Smith (Smith being the husband’s last name goes in the centre, the middle letter is bigger than the other two)

Two Letters (same size)

J & A for Jessica & Adam (traditionally the wife’s initial goes first) or simply JA
If the bride is not changing her last name, use the first and last initials of each of their names
Example: AW & DS if the couple’s names were Amanda Williams and David Smith

One letter – Initial of the husband’s last name
Example – Smith would be ‘S’


First, middle, last (all the same size)
Example: Dylan Ryan Parker would be DRP


First, last, middle (middle letter larger than the other two)
Example: Dylan Ryan Parker would be DPR


Two Letters
Example: Williams-Smith would be WS

Three Letters – Take just the first letter of the last name
Example: Sarah Kate Williams-Smith would be SWK


Leave out the middle name
Example: Sarah Kate Williams-Smith would be SWS

Married Couples

If both couples are choosing to take on a hyphen last name, the wife’s initial go first, then the hyphen last name and then the husband’s
Example: Angela Smith and David Jones become Smith-Jones (Angela Smith-Jones & David Smith-Jones)
ASJD (all the same size – note that it will only work for ‘simple monograms’

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